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Breakfast and Lunch

   Our school provides free breakfast for everyone and Pre-K will eat at 7:45.
Pre-K will eat lunch at 10:45 and parents can apply for free and reduced meals.
A free and reduced meal paper will be sent home on the first day of school.
Children may bring their own lunch or eat lunch from the cafeteria.
You do not have to pay daily.
A bill will be sent home with your child when a payment is needed.
Please do not send money to our class to pay for a cafeteria lunch.
You may pay in the office or online on our school website.
A weekly menu will be on the Pretty Water Website.
We will have some class snacks in the afternoon and I will ask parents to donate items like healthy non sugary cereal, goldfish, pretzels, fruit, etc.
I will give you more information about snacks later.
We are going to have a Terrific year!

Please encourage children to wash hands after using the restroom and before eating.
They should use warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds (singing the alphabet song works).
Below are some fun hand washing links.

Hand Washing for Kids. Billy Gorilly

Wash your hands. Singing Walrus

How to Wash Your Hands. WHO Technique